2015年7月5日 星期日





— 和 Corina Bernic 及其他 4 人

  • Testimony of artists and poets has helped us to understand the hopes in the past and so to recognize the potentials of the future. - Ernst Bloch (philosopher, historian) Yiwu Liao, 今天晚上您让我们感觉到什么是真真的艺术,谢谢!
     · 回應 ·
  • Sanmu Chan 老哥朗誦時他們不離場抗議,他們就有問題,這有先例。。。。。。可,詩歌這麼弱嗎?代我問問他們。
    收回讚 · 回覆 · 1 · 昨天 1:21
  • 廖偉棠 哪個中國詩人這麼雞賊?要是我認識的我立馬絕交。
     · 回覆 · 3 · 昨天 1:43
  • Blackbean Blackbean 藝術更強, 強過政治, 大家才會不怕
    收回讚 · 回覆 · 3 · 昨天 2:47
  • Pia Näsman 臧迪说了”诗人不应该判断”不过他自己判断了判断的诗人。我觉得艺术家应该有权力做见证,见证社会和人类的形态,而且可以让人们自己做判断。
    收回讚 · 回覆 · 2 · 昨天 6:33
  • 陈乐陵 廖鬍子內心強大,脾氣也烈,所以鎮得住邪。
  • Pia Näsman 他 /她 可能最怕的是他們的詩歌跟您的藝術沒辦法比起來。真的,他們在柏林自由大學的討論會上也老抱怨(判斷)西方人只對您這樣的藝術家感興趣,對沒有坐牢的當代中國藝術家不感興趣。可是說實話您做人的故事比他們的故事有意思多,您跟他們比起來是個巨人(they're only dwarfs)。真的希望我們將來在芬蘭也有機會听到您的朗誦。
     · 回覆 · 2 · 23小時

2014年德國書業和平獎得主Jaron Lanier與廖亦武

6 月10日晚間,2014年德國書業和平獎得主、美國計算機科學家、音樂家和作家杰倫·拉尼爾(Jaron Lanier)來到柏林,在書業協會辦公大樓舉辦新書發布,《明鏡周刊》記者與之對談後,作為和平獎前任得主的廖亦武,應邀和他同台切磋即興音樂。並一塊討論文學、網絡、資本壟斷和獨裁壟斷。




現年54歲的杰倫·拉尼爾被認為是數字化世界的最重要設計者之一。他在美國加利福尼亞州的柏克萊大學任教,在微軟研究所擔任研究員,因其發明和創新獲得兩個榮譽博士學位。 2013年他在德國出版的"誰擁有未來?"一書最近榮獲美國哈佛大學金書獎。該書無疑是近年來最重要的網絡批評出版物之一。而作者本人卓著的職業生涯則與互聯網有著千絲萬縷的關係。

杰倫·拉尼爾1960年出生於紐約,是兩名猶太人大屠殺倖存者的後代。他出生不久後,全家搬到了德克薩斯州的埃爾帕索市附近。杰倫在這裡上學,學習彈鋼琴,聽巴赫的音樂。 10歲時,他的母親死於一場車禍。之後杰倫生病,和他的父親經常搬家,最終找到一位特別的朋友-1930年發現了冥王星的天體物理學家克萊德·湯博(Clyde Tombaugh)。他建議14歲、剛剛輟學的杰倫到新墨西哥州立大學上數學課和化學課。這個建議令杰倫·拉尼爾感到高興。他去了那裡,被允許留下來,並開始學習編程。


1983年,他開發了他的第一個電腦遊戲​​,為其取了一個美麗的名字"月塵",這為他贏得了在雅達利公司的一份工作。在此期間,他曾在紐約學習藝術一年,在之後的數年間,他學會了許多樂器的演奏技巧。如今,他收藏有一千多個罕見的古老樂器。他曾與菲利普·格拉斯(Philip Glass)、小野洋子(Yoko Ono)、肖恩·列儂(Sean Lennon)和奧奈特·科爾曼(Ornette Coleman )一起演奏,創作電影配樂,並在美國和歐洲的許多博物館展出自己的繪畫,素描和裝置藝術。
Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels 2013 Swetlana Alexijewitsch

20世紀80年代,他在加州與發明了"數據手套"的湯姆·齊默爾曼(Tom Zimmerman)相識。 1985年,杰倫·拉尼爾和湯姆·齊默爾曼等人合夥成立了VPL研究所。他們希望為尚還年輕的虛擬世界進一步發展技術。他們成功了。拉尼爾發明了虛擬相機,設計三維圖形電影,也推動了網絡的發展。

不知具體是在什麼時候,但是在斯諾登(Edward Snowdons)揭秘前,他實現了他的又一個發明-沒有人能看到小心!提防手機APP收集個人信息網絡用戶的任何信息,無法知道他們的任何情況。杰倫·拉尼爾還發明了一個免費的照片和視頻共享程序。 2010年,他為發展該應用程序成立了一家公司。公司有13名員工,但是沒有商業計劃。兩年後,Facebook出價十億美元將其收購。

在法蘭克福國際書展上,杰倫·拉尼爾不僅警告網絡巨頭和秘密情報機構不要囤積數據,他也對社交網絡的用戶提出批評。他指出,誰要是免費將其數據交給像Facebook和Google 這樣的網絡巨頭,就等於是讓財富集中在少數富豪手中的推手。這是在破壞民主,因為"知識就是力量。"


2014年10月12日,杰倫·拉尼爾在法蘭克福聖保羅教堂被授予德國書業和平獎。用評委會的話說,獲獎的原因是這位數字世界的領軍人"已經認識到,數字世界對每個人的自由生活方式蘊藏著什麼樣的風險。" 歐洲議會主席馬丁·舒爾茨主持了頒獎儀式。

A Letter to Members of the European Parliament Regarding Nomination of Professor Ilham Tohti for the Sakharov Prize

《中國改變》和《人道中國》發起致歐洲議會議員們的信,為被判無期徒刑的維吾爾學者伊力哈木爭取薩哈羅夫人權奬,起草者作家曹雅學,簽名者已有諾貝爾奬獲獎者赫塔 米勒、胡佳、滕彪、廖亦武、德國書業協會秘書長馬丁 修特、著名漢學家侯芷明、林培瑞、黎安友,獨立中文筆會會長貝嶺等。

A Letter to Members of the European Parliament
Regarding Nomination of Professor Ilham Tohti for the Sakharov Prize


Dear Member of the European Parliament,  

We are writing to urge you to nominate the Uighur economist Ilham Tohti for this year’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. We are a diverse group of individuals and organizations from around the world who are deeply concerned about the Chinese government’s persecution of Professor Tohti, and the deplorable state of freedom of expression and human rights in China.
We understand that the European Union has been equally concerned about Professor Tohti, and that EU spokespersons have on multiple occasions issued statements of support, as have several non-European governments. In February, 2014, shortly after Professor Tohti was arrested, the High Representative of the Union of Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton expressed her concern. In August 2014, an EU spokesperson stated: "We are deeply concerned about the announcement that Professor Ilham Tohti has been charged with separatism, after more than six months of detention without adequate access to his lawyer and proper medical care. For years, Professor Tohti has worked peacefully within China's laws to promote equal rights for all of China's citizens and to encourage exchange and understanding between different ethnic groups.” In astatement on September 23, 2014, the EU’s External Action Service said: "The EU condemns the life sentence for alleged ‘separatism’ handed out today to Uighur economics professor Ilham Tohti, which is completely unjustified.”
We thank the European Union for its firm stance on this case, and we wish to thank you, as a member of the European Parliament, for your unwavering support of Professor Ilham Tohti. We have also been encouraged by the wide-range of support from journalistswriters, and academics.
Professor Tohti was from an elite Uighur family, and many of its members, including his father, were in fact Communist Party cadres in China’s northeastern region, inhabited by Uighurs and other ethnicities. As a rarified member of the small Uighur intelligentsia and an economist at the prestigious Minzu University in Beijing, he could have enjoyed a stable and comfortable life. However, Professor Tohti grew increasingly concerned by the worsening economic and cultural plight of his people, and the division between the Uighurs and Han Chinese, China’s dominant ethnicity. He decided to address those issues in his teaching, research work and academic writings, in a climate where speaking out requires courage, and carries tremendous personal risk and cost. From 1994 to 2003, he was barred on and off from publishing and teaching due to his criticism of the failures of the local government in Xinjiang. In 2006, Professor Tohti founded Uighur Online, a website designed to facilitate peaceful communication and build trust between Uighurs and Han people. It was repeatedly hacked and eventually shut down in 2009. After the July unrest in Xinjiang in 2009, Professor Tohti faced increasingly harsher treatment. He was subjected to short detentions, house arrests, confiscation of assets, verbal and physical threats, and was barred from traveling outside China.  
But he persisted in his peaceful advocacy on behalf of Uighurs and for better relations between Uighurs and Han. Among the policy recommendations he made in 2011 to Chinese leaders, he championed economic, cultural, and religious policies conducive to peaceful ethnic co-existence, and warned that “Xinjiang’s coercive stability maintenance policies, particularly in the area of religion, are having a grave impact on the lives, jobs and mobility of Xinjiang’s Uighur population. If the government does not change its thinking and tactics with respect to religious issues, I fear that religion will become the single biggest cause of ethnic strife and social discord in Xinjiang.”
The Economist noted, “No other Uighur inside the country has come close to speaking out on such issues with his persistence.” Professor Tohti has been known as a moderate and a voice of understanding between Han Chinese and ethnic minorities. But as early as 2009, he prepared himself for prison, even death. “That just might be the price our people have to pay,” he said. “Though I may have to go, perhaps that will draw more attention to the plight of our people.”
“After seeing the judgment against me, contrary to what people may think, I now think I have a more important duty to bear,” he said in a statement issued the day after his trial concluded in September 2014. “Peace is a heavenly gift to the Uighur and Han people. Only peace and good will can create common interest.”
Now, nine months into his prison term, Professor Tohti has not been allowed a single family visit.
Whenever a courageous man stands up against injustice, he stands up for all of us, and we must stand behind him and behind the values we believe in. We shall not fail him. The EU and the leading democracies in the world have a responsibility to be the champions of Professor Tohti.
Our hope is that the European Parliament will award Professor Ilham Tohti the Sakharov Prize for his courage, intelligence, and dignity, evident in his work, his character, and his public expressions over the span of twenty years. All this he has done at great risk to himself and his family. The prize, we hope, will also help bring attention to the plight of the Uighur people and China’s deleterious policies in Xinjiang as Professor Tohti so hoped.

Yours faithfully,

Hu Jia, laureate of the Sakharov Prize in 2008. Beijing, People’s Republic of China.
Individuals (in alphabetic order)
Margarete Bause, Fraktionsvorsitzende von Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Bayern (Group Chairman of Alliance 90 / The Greens Bayern). Bavaria, Germany.
Noam ChomskyInstitute Professor & Professor of Linguistics (Emeritus), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Marie Holzmanspécialiste de la Chine contemporaine et présidente de l’association Solidarité Chine, chevalier de la Légion d'honneur. Paris, France.
Gregory Lee, Professor of Chinese and Transcultural Studies, University of Lyon-Jean Moulin, and FHKAH (Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities), France.
Liao Yiwu, exiled Chinese author in Germany and laureate of the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade in 2012. Berlin, Germany.
Göran Axel LindbladSwedish politician, president of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience. Sweden.
Perry LinkChancellorial Chair for Teaching across Disciplines at the University of California at Riverside.
Markus Löning, Vice-President Liberal International, Chair of LI Human Rights Committee, FDP Bundesvorstand. Berlin, Germany.

Herta Müller, German novelist, poet, essayist and recipient of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature. Germany.
Andrew J. Nathan, Class of 1919 Professor of Political Science, Columbia University.

Sean RobertsProfessor of the Practice of International Affairs and Professor of Anthropology, & Director of International Development Studies Program, George Washington University.

Martin Schult, secretary general of German Publishers and Booksellers Association. Germany.

Teng Biao, legal scholar and human rights lawyer, Co-founder of the Open Constitution Initiative, recipient of Human Rights Prize of French Republic (2007) and Democracy Award of the National Endowment for Democracy (U. S., 2008). Cambridge, MA, USA.

Eduardo J. Ruiz VieytezProfessor of Human Rights Law at Deusto University, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. Bilbao, Spain.

Tsering Woeser, Tibetan poet, essayist, and blogger. Recipient of Courage in Journalism Award (International Women's Media Foundation, 2010), Prince Claus Award (2011), and International Women of Courage Award (the U. S. Department of State, 2013).Beijing, People’s Republic of China.
Organizations (in alphabetic order)

Asian Federation against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD), a federation of human rights organizations working directly on the issue of involuntary disappearances in Asia. Philippines.

China Aid, a Christian international human rights organization inspired by God's call to love, serve, and seek justice for the persecuted. Texas, USA.
China Change, news and commentary from those who work for a free and just China. Washington, DC, USA.
Chinese Human Rights Defenderpromoting human rights & empowering grassroots activism in China. Hong Kong.
Forum 2000 Foundation, pursues the legacy of Václav Havel by supporting the values of democracy and respect for human rights, assisting the development of civil society, and encouraging religious, cultural and ethnic tolerance. Czech Republic.
Human Rights Foundationpromotes and protects human rights globally, with a focus on closed societies. Sponsor of Oslo Freedom Forum. New York City, USA.

Human Rights in China, advancing a peaceful transition to democracy in China through truth, understanding, citizen power, and cooperative action. New York, USA.
Humanitarian China, for a human Chinese society. San Francisco, USA.
Independent Chinese PEN Center (ICPC), a non-political, non-profit organization of writers that fights for the protection of freedom of expression and publication.  
Initiative for China, advancing a peaceful transition to democracy in China through truth, understanding, citizen power, and cooperative action. Washington, DC, USA.
Interfaith International, a NGO that promotes the rights of persons of all different religions and ethnic groups with 'special consultative status' with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
International Campaign for Tibetpromote human rights and democratic freedoms for the people of Tibet. Washington, DC, USA.
Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty (PRNTT), a nonviolent organization following Gandhian principles, and a NGO with General consultative status at the ECOSOC of the UN.
Southern Mongolia Human Rights Information Center, promote and protect ethnic Mongolian rights. New York City, NY, USA.
Students for a Free Tibet international, transforming our world through non-violent actions. New York City, NY, USA.
UN Watch, monitoring the United Nations, promoting human rights. Geneva, Switzerland.

Uyghur American Association, working to promote the preservation and flourishing of a rich, humanistic and diverse Uyghur culture, and to support the right of the Uyghur people to use peaceful, democratic means to determine their own political future.Washington, DC, USA.

Uyghur Human Rights Project, promoting democracy and human rights through research. Washington, DC, USA.

World Uyghur Congress, promoting human rights, democracy and freedom for the Uyghur people. Munich, Germany.

A selection of Professor Ilham Tohti’s writings and interviews

My Ideals and the Career Path I Have Chosen, 2011. In this autobiographical essay, Professor Ilham Tohti relates his upbringing, education, aspiration, and work. One of the sections is about the founding and running of the Uighur Online website, long since being disabled. 
Present-Day Ethnic Problems in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region Overview and Recommendations, 2011. This document was written by Professor Ilham Tohti in response to a 2011 request from high-level officials in the Chinese government. In it, the author examines nine areas of social, political, economic and religious life in China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, analyzes the underlying causes of ethnic tensions in Xinjiang, and provides concrete recommendations for reducing ethnic strife and protecting the basic rights of Xinjiang’s citizens. Executive summary available.

Ilham Tohti’s Statement after Receiving a Life Sentence for Allegedly “Separatist” Crimes, September 25, 2014. “My outcries are for our people and, even more, for the future of China.”

2009 Interview, in this sober interview conducted by Professor Ilham Tohti’s friend, Tibetan writer Woeser, in the wake of Urumqi unrest in 2009, Ilham reflected on the personal risks he had taken on, the hardship he and his family had been going through after their assets were confiscated, and how, despite everything, he would be honored to “trade my humble life to call for freedom.”
Statement by phone to Radio Free Asia days before he was detained on Jan. 15, 2014. I have never associated myself with a terrorist organization or a foreign-based group. The path I have pursued all along is an honorable and a peaceful path. I have relied only on pen and paper to diplomatically request the human rights, legal rights, and autonomous regional rights for the Uyghurs.” 
Ilham Tohti should get the Nobel peace prize, not life in prison, Teng Biao’s op-ed in the Guardian, September, 2014. “While the secret police see secrets everywhere, Tohti had none. Everything he has said and written is published online or in the media. It is an absurdity that he was charged, tried and sentenced for separatism.” “The Chinese communist authorities, with their excessive violence, have created hostility, division and despair in Xinjiang and Tibet. Tohti has denounced violence and devoted himself to bridging the divide and promoting understanding and tolerance. He should be awarded the Nobel peace prize, not tortured and locked up in prison.”

Contact persons on behalf of the signatories:
Peter Irwin, peteirwin2@gmail.com
Yaxue Cao, yaxuec@gmail.com

2015年6月4日 星期四





美國小說家喬納森·弗蘭岑朗讀了伊力哈木在被捕前預感到處境危險而事先留下的聲明的片段:“如果我在不久之後死去,不會是自然死亡,我肯定也不會自殺。 ”
鐵凝莫言麥家為何能前往哥倫比亞參加中拉人文交流? --文化--人民網